A site made famous by many winemakers in the region, the Niersteiner Pettenthal is a finer soil than Rothenberg, more pebbly with broken rocks and less geological compression. The wines from here tend to be more tensile, more filigreed, lighter on their feet, yet resolutely firm and lasting as well. It’s a GREAT combination! The nose is tight and clean, intriguing for its intense coconut scent this year along with savory and exotic aromas like licorice and black olive paste.... The mouthfeel is tart, energetic, and exciting, propelling a cascade of juicy citrus fruits over the tongue in the finale. That quality keeps the wine---which possesses ample material in dense and deep layers---from ever becoming ponderous. It is, in short, a great Pettenthal, destined for long life and profound food pairings.